terms & conditions

Please read EVERYTHING before you fill in your application form. 

Once you have read the following, click here for an application form.

stall fees

Berry Village Market - Fourth Sunday of the month
Fees supplied once your application is accepted 

Bulli Village Market - regular monthly market
2nd Sunday every month 
Fees supplied once your application is accepted

Milton Village Showground Market - regular first Saturday of the month
Single stalls permanent $50, double $80 
Casual* sites single $60, double $90

*Stallholders are considered to be regular after three consecutive markets

payment procedure

Once your application has been accepted, the market organiser will send payment details.

market times

Berry Village Market - Fourth Sunday of the month
10  AM - 3 PM

Bulli Village Market - Second Sunday of the month
Winter times 10 AM - 3 PM, Summer 9 AM - 2 PM

Milton Village Showground Markets - First Saturday of the month 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Also starting in September 2025, third Saturday of the month.


  • This will be at the discretion of the Organiser. Standard stall size is 3m x 3m. Larger sizes can be negotiated.
  • Stallholders are mobile businesses responsible for supplying gazebos, tables, signage, display tables, tablecloths and preferably flooring. (All food stalls are required by councils to supply flooring.)
  • Organisers reserve the right to change the times and dates of the market.
  • Arrival time and market time will vary depending on the time of the year. Please contact the organiser for more information.
  • All stallholders must be set up before Market opening time.
  • All stallholders must not pack up earlier than market closing time unless instructed by the organiser
  • Stallholders are responsible for the removal of any/all rubbish that they generate on the day of the market. Failure to comply will see an additional charge imposed for the clean-up.
  • The use of public place bins by market stall holders is strictly prohibited.
  • Stallholders cannot be guaranteed the same position.
  • Organisers retain the right to refuse entry of any Stallholder, product and/or produce on Market Day. 
  • The Organiser retains the right to decline any application without reason or explanation.
  • All goods being sold must be deemed acceptable to the Organisers.
  • Stallholders must sell only the type of goods indicated on the application form.
  • Organisers reserve the right to request that unidentified goods/produce be removed from the Stallholders' site.
  • All items must comply with the local Council regulations.
  • Organisers accept no responsibility for damage or loss by participating Stallholders.
  • Stallholders are responsible to ensure that goods to be sold are not in breach of any copyright and/or trademarks and are safe.
  • HiViz Markets takes no financial responsibility for loss of income to a stallholder due to unforeseen circumstances such as, but not limited to, severe weather events, loss of product due to theft of goods, loss of power to the venue or inability to connect to internet.
  • Stallholders must carry current insurance ($10 million Public & $10 Product Liability). This is a requirement of all councils. A copy of your Certificate of Currency must be viewed by Market Organisers and must be carried to every event. Please produce insurance papers for inspection if requested. Do not purchase insurance until your application has been accepted.
  • Food stalls/Mobile Food Vans: You are required to notify your business details with NSW Food Authority at www.foodnotify.nsw.gov.au and supply the Market Organiser with a copy of the Notification confirmation. As Market Organisers, we will need to have this information on hand should council require to view it. Do not purchase food permits or insurance until your application is accepted
  • Food stalls must comply with the NSW Food Authority's 'Guidelines for food businesses at temporary events.'  Food stallholders need to register with the local Council. Do not assume that if you are registered with Council as a food provider you will be accepted into our market.
    Please wait until your application has been accepted by Market Organisers before you register with the appropriate Council.
  • Milton & Berry Markets, food stalls will need to register with Shoalhaven City Council
  • Bulli Village Market, food stalls will need to register with Wollongong City Council
  • No single-use plastic, ie. bags, balloons, straws, plates, bowls and cutlery allowed at any of HiViz Markets
  • All foam and other storage boxes must be removed at the end of the day.
  • Plant dealers: You are not to sell noxious and environmental weeds. Council can provide you with a list if you require.
  • No hazardous or offensive goods are permitted to be sold
  • No birds or animals may be sold
  • Face painters: Take precautions to prevent spread of disease. Contact NSW Health for further information.
  • All Stallholders must secure their stalls adequately against adverse weather conditions in accordance with AS1170.2. All gazebos must be weighted or pegged.
  • All stallholders must remove their own rubbish. Mobile food vans must supply a rubbish bin and remove rubbish at the end of the day.
  • There is limited power available at our markets. Please call Kerrie for more information 0415 900 913. All leads must be tested and tagged.
  • Stallholders are not allowed to move their cars while market is open at anytime 
  • Stallholders who wish to cancel and have pre-booked should contact the Market Organiser midday two days prior to the event. This is to allow organisers time to replace that product at the market.
  • Administration fee may be charged for late cancellation
  • The market will go ahead unless weather deems the event to be unsafe or health restrictions apply. It is at the discretion of the Market Organiser if Market is to be closed. Please do not assume that market is closed - call 0415 900 913 after 6AM.
  • If Market is closed 2 hours after opening time due to weather conditions, they are deemed to have occurred and no money will be refunded. We endeavour not to cancel the market at any time and would appreciate your regular attendance.
  • It is the responsibility of the stallholder to make contact with the Market Organiser to confirm the closing of the market. Phone: 0415 900 913 for cancellation details. The stallholder must phone, not email for details of cancellation. Do not call after 8 pm the evening before a market or event.
  • Please do not communicate through Facebook with regards to important messages.
  • All markets and events are required to be pre-paid.
  • Stall refunds at the manager's discretion.
  • It is the responsibility of the stallholder to make contact with the Market Organiser to confirm closing of any market. Phone: 0415 900 913 for cancellation details. The stallholder must phone, not email for details of cancellation.
  • Please do not communicate through Facebook with regards to important messages.

You are required to provide your own marquee, tables and tablecloths. Make your stall stand out from the crowd!

Emergency Evacuation plan and procedures

Fire, Ambulance, Police 000 
SES (storms/Floods etc) 132 500 
Electricity Endeavour Energy Power Supply131 003 
Water, Electricity etc 0415 900 913
Any emergency services out of hours 0415 900 913


Kerrie Humphrey Market Manager 0415 900 913
First Aid Officer 0415 900 913

In an emergency, market management is responsible for evacuation and emergency response until emergency services arrive, at which point they take control and responsibility for the emergency.


Please contact the market manager by phone or runner. Contact emergency services immediately on triple zero '000' if it's to do with the police, ambulance services, fire or explosion. In the event of extreme weather conditions, floods or trees falling contact the SES on 132500


The manager will decide on the appropriate form of communication depending on the emergency.

This will be by the following method of communication:

  • Two-way radio
  • Mobile phone
  • Runner depending on the situation.
  • Where applicable social media and local media stations will be utilised.


Report immediately to the market manager. She will assess the following:

  • What is the nature of the emergency and which emergency service should be called.
  • What is the level of risk currently (Is it getting worse, closer or further) Is the risk low but the consequence high?
  • Call in immediate professional advice and or emergency services to evaluate
  • What actions are required after initial assessment.


  • Call emergency services
  • Implement emergency evacuation procedures where required.
  • Secure the area
  • Offer first aid treatment
  • Contact injured person's family if required
  • Record any injuries


In the case of site evacuation:

  • Contact emergency services, communicate to the stallholders, customers and entertainers through the above communication procedures
  • Stallholders must stop serving immediately, turn off all their electrical appliances, extinguish flames and secure equipment.
  • Any customers at their stall must be directed to the evacuation points immediately indicated on the map.
  • Please make sure no signs are obstructing the emergency vehicle access.
  • Please leave in an orderly manner to the safest assembly point.
  • Stallholders must be accountable for any staff working with them that day.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian access to cordoned off
  • Danger tape should be used to secure the area until emergency services arrive
  • Market manager to brief stallholders on any further actions
  • Direction must be taken from emergency services when they arrive.
  • Returning to the market must only happen should the manager, in conjunction with the emergency services, deem this safe.


  • Locate fire extinguisher/blanket
  • Contact the market manager
  • If it's not easily extinguished contact emergency services on triple '0' (000) and commence evacuation procedures
  • Ensure fire brigade has easy access to the site
  • Head to assembly point and wait for further direction

Market Manager

  • Make sure the area is clear of people
  • Assist anyone needing help
  • Do final check and head to assembly point


  • Contact triple '0' (000), the market manager/first aid officer
  • Only if safe to do so, switch off the current (do not cut the cable)
  • If you can't turn off the current, stand on rubber, blanket, newspaper and touch the person with a wooden pole, board or rope
  • Make sure onlookers are kept away from any live equipment

Market Manager

  • Secure the area of people
  • Once the current has been turned off administer First Aid immediately
  • Check emergency services are on their way


All incidents must be reported to the Market Manager. For all life threatening, serious injuries or if the person's condition is uncertain, call triple '0' (000)

  • Notify market/manager/first aider
  • Make sure there is clear access for the ambulance
  • Delegate someone to direct the ambulance
  • For minor injuries notify the market manager/first aid officer as all incidents must be recorded.


  • The market manager monitors extreme weather situations and considers cancelling or evacuating the market
  • Ensure emergency access is maintained at all times.
  • It is market policy that marquees are secure at all times.
  • Each corner of the marquee must be secure.
  • Where possible always tie to a permanent structure
  • In windy conditions, high risk, two people must erect the tent, please work with your neighbour.
  • When winds reach up to 30km, turn off all equipment and dismantle all structures with the help of your neighbour.
  • At no time must you leave your marquee unattended without securing.
  • Should anyone be hurt by your marquee please contact the market manager immediately.
  • If any objects look in any danger of falling and are hazardous inform the market manager immediately

Market manager

  • Call in expert advice immediately if there are any concerns or doubts as to the safety of a structure.
  • Follow evacuation process if necessary
  • Call triple '000' and the SES


  • Contact emergency services on triple '0' (000) and market manager
  • Identify any seriously injured people at the scene and administer first aid
  • Do not move anyone deceased
  • Evacuate anyone not involved in the incident and create a no-go zone around the scene.
  • Ensure all efforts are made to preserve the scene
  • Delegate people to shut down any equipment that could pose a problem to rescue and recovery


  • Notify the police and call triple'0' (000) as soon as it's safe to do so
  • Notify market manager
  • Do not argue, provoke or physically subdue the person
  • Move away and do not make sudden movements
  • Ensure your own safety at all times
  • If physically attacked you may use no more force than what is considered reasonable to protect yourself
  • Observe as much as possible of the person's physical appearance and attire, the direction they went and anything else to assist police in finding this person


Found without their parent:

  • If a child appears lost gently approach them and ask them their name, age, what their parents or siblings with them look like, and where they last saw them.
  • Circle the immediate area and if no sign or parents, take them straight to the manager
  • Assist market manager if possible, to check each end of the market to look for the parents.
  • If no parents or guardians arrive in 30 minutes, then call the police. (if the child does not look comfortable with the adult then ask for ID)

Parents who have lost their child:

  • Ask the parents for details of child's name, age, sex, ethnic origin, hair colour, build, clothing, location last seen.
  • Market staff will conduct an immediate search with the parent.
  • Encourage the parent to report regularly back to management tent in case the child has been found or write down the parent number.
  • If the child hasn't been found in 30 mins then notify the police.
  • Write an incident form.


Any bomb threats or acts of terrorism are usually received by phone and must always be treated seriously. The market manager should take direction from the police. It's likely a search and evacuation will take place.

  • If an object is found do not touch it, report it to the Chief Warden and clear the area
  • Switch off mobile devices

Market manager

  • Check the area you evacuate to has no suspect parcels or vehicles
  • Stallholders must turn off equipment and take personal belongings with them
  • Do a final check of the buildings including toilets
  • Meet everyone at the assembly points.


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Media releases
  • Flyer distribution
  • Emailing
  • Newsletters
  • School advertising
  • Tourism
  • Our Website

By applying to attend our events, you are agreeing to be added to our database for future emails. If you wish to be removed from our database, please contact us. Once you have read the following, click here for an application form.